Zinaida Pelkey, D.O. is a New York City based Osteopathic physician specializing in Osteopathic Manipulation. She is board certified in Neuromuscular Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, and holds Osteopathic Cranial Academy Proficiency Recognition.

Dr. Pelkey Attended San Francisco State College, The New School, Hunter College, graduated from the Maria Montessori Institute in London, UK, and completed her pre-medical training at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY where she received her Bachelor of Science magna cum laude. She then earned her D.O. degree from New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, NYIT where she was awarded a teaching fellowship in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. She completed a rotating internship and two-year residency in OMM/NMM at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, NY.

Dr. Pelkey has studied with many of the leading osteopaths around the world including Anne Wales, DO, Robert Fulford, DO, Viola Frymann, DO, Maurice Bensoussan, MD, DO and James Jealous, DO. and continues to study advanced training in osteopathic manipulation including osteopathy in the cranial field, visceral manipulation and biodynamic treatment. In addition, Dr. Pelkey is a graduate of the New England School of Homeopathy. She mentors students and residents in her office and is on the teaching staff of the OCA (Osteopathic Cranial Academy) and SCTF (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation). She lectures and gives workshops nationally and internationally. Dr. Pelkey is President of the Osteopathic Cranial Academy and is a member of the American Osteopathic Association, and the American Academy of Osteopathy.

Her holistic approach to patient care takes into consideration all conditions that could affect one’s physical well-being. A thorough evaluation of a person’s history from birth to present including traumas, lifestyle, diet, exercise, stresses and environment is conducted. A complete physical and structural exam is performed that includes an analysis of posture, boney and muscular structure, blood and lymphatic circulation, connective tissues, membranes, organs and the fascial envelopes that surround them. Patients are treated with osteopathic manipulation and prescriptions for medications and/or recommendations for diet, exercise, counseling, diagnostic studies given when indicated and appropriate referrals are given when surgery or another specialist’s wisdom is the right choice.